The Most Common Causes Of Bloating

Bloating is a very uncomfortable situation. While most people suffer from bloating from time to time, if you are suffering from bloating quite regularly, you'll want to get to the bottom of it so that you can feel normal again.


When you are suffering from bloating, one of the most common reasons is that you have ingested a virus, a type of bacteria, or a parasite. Your body's immune system is trying to get rid of the invader. 


If you are not sick, a common reason for bloating is that you have consumed too much salt. If you consume a lot of salty foods, your body retains more water and air. This gives you a bloated feeling as a result of the pressure building up in your intestines. When you release gas, the body is relieving the pressure. 


Back pain sometimes accompanies bloating. If you are experiencing both of these symptoms, you might be suffering from a hormonal imbalance. When your hormones change, this affects how your body operates. Women will often experience back pain and bloating right before their period begins.


If you have been suffering from bloating for a long time, you might be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). You will likely experience bloating whenever you consume carbohydrates and certain types of fat.

Dairy Products

Pay attention to when you experience bloating. If you experience it whenever you consume milk, you might be lactose intolerant. The consumption of dairy products can lead to bloating, and you might need to take a medication or avoid dairy products.


Certain types of vegetables, such as broccoli, can cause bloating. Because of how healthy these vegetables can be, you'll have to decide whether the health benefits are worth the bloating side effect. One approach is to consume them less often.


The bubbles found in carbonated beverages can lead to bloating because these bubbles become trapped inside your digestive system. Because carbonated beverages are usually not good for you, it's worth cutting them out of your diet.


When you have been on antibiotics for an extended period of time, you might suffer from dysbiosis. This is a condition in which beneficial bacteria no longer can be found in your digestive system because they have been killed off by antibiotics. As a result, your food is not being properly digested and is fermenting, which is leading to the production of gas.

For more information on bloating, contact a doctor.
