Essential Things That Cannabis Newbies Need To Know

Cannabis is often a mixture of dried, shredded leaves and flowers from the cannabis plant that's known as Cannabis sativa. Some people call it pot, and it goes by many other colloquial nicknames. If you're never tried cannabis before, you may have lots of questions. Before starting, consider these essential things that all first-time cannabis users should know.

The Many Uses of Cannabis May Surprise You

Doctors have been prescribing cannabis for pain relief for many years, and celebrities like Olivia Newton-John have publicly spoken about how effective it is. In fact, Newton-John told Good Housekeeping that it has helped her greatly with her cancer battle. Beyond pain relief, the uses of cannabis include:

  • Induce appetite
  • Ease symptoms of Crohn's disease
  • Reduce headaches and migraine pain
  • Fight nausea
  • Reduce muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis

Although CNN reports that marijuana may help with many health issues, always talk to your doctor before using it for your own health concerns, and never self-diagnose a health concern. Consider why you personally want to use cannabis before doing so.

There Are Three Main Forms of Cannabis

Cannabis generally comes in three primary forms: marijuana, hashish, and hash oil. As you explore your options, look at the three forms of cannabis that you're sure to easily find.

  • Marijuana — this form that looks like chopped grass has the least concentrated form of THC and is usually smoked in a hand-rolled cigarette or water pipe
  • Hash oil — this form is among the most potent types of cannabis and is an oily liquid that's spread on cigarettes and smoked
  • Hashish — this form has a higher THC concentration than marijuana and consists of dried cannabis resin blocks

Many cannabis dispensaries have all three options for users to try.

You Should Never Share It with Underage People

While adults can make informed decisions about whether marijuana fits well into their life, teens are not ready for that responsibility. Also, it's against the law to ever share it with anyone who is under the legal age limit for marijuana where you live. It's best to only buy your own supply and avoid sharing your cannabis with others.

Finally, the Indiana University School of Public Health reports that marijuana is the third most popular recreation drug in the United States, so you are not alone in your curiosity about cannabis. It also reports that 2.5 million people in the U.S. try marijuana for the first time every year. The best way to get started is to contact a cannabis dispensary. They can help you explore your options and make the right choice for you.

For more information, contact a cannabis dispensary such as Rocky Road Remedies.
