Understanding Stem Cell Therapy Injections

Stem cells are a very unique type of cell found in the body that has the ability to become any type of cell. Thus, stem cell therapy has become increasingly popular as a form of treatment for a variety of ailments. In order for stem cell therapy to work, there is an exact procedure that must be followed. If your doctor has recommended stem cell therapy, you can rest assured that he or she will be very familiar with the procedure. Continue reading to learn more about the stem cell therapy process:

Obtain Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

The first stem in stem cell therapy is to obtain your platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP comes from your own blood, so your doctor or nurse will draw a vial of blood from you; afterward, the blood will be taken into a lab where it will be processed and the PRP will be extracted. Obtaining your PRP is necessary to ensure that the stem cell injections are successful.

Extract Fat Cells

Most doctors who practice stem cell therapy utilize adipose fat stem cells as part of their injection. In order to extract adipose fat from your body, skin on your abdomen will be numbed and a catheter will be inserted. Some people find this step to be uncomfortable, but it should not be overly painful. After your adipose fat cells are extracted, the small incision where the catheter was inserted will be cleaned and a sterile dressing will be applied.

Bone Marrow Extraction

The bulk of the stem cells used in a stem cell therapy injection will come from your bone marrow. A large needle is used to extract the bone marrow — in many cases, the bone marrow will be taken from your hip. While the bone marrow extraction can cause discomfort, most people find that using ice for a few days after the extraction can provide relief.

Stem Cell Injections

The last step is to administer injections to the joint that is being treated. You will have three separate injections; your platelet-rich plasma will be injected into the joint followed by the adipose fat stem cells and the bone marrow stem cells. The adipose fat stem cells are supposed to help lubricate the joint and help it expand, the bone marrow stem cells will change and become healthy cells inside the joint being treated, and the PRP will promote healing and help the stem cells survive after injection. 

To learn more about PRP stem cell therapy, contact a doctor in your area.
