Four Dietary Adjustments To Make When You Have A Cold

Though scientists are constantly making breakthroughs when it comes to treating illnesses, there is still no cure for the common cold. However, this doesn't mean you have to suffer if you come down with a cold. Here are a few adjustments you can make to your diet to encourage healing and minimize the effects of your cold symptoms.

1. Increase Your Overall Liquid Consumption

Hydration is always important, but it's even more imperative when you're suffering from a cold. When you're dehydrated, this can make your congestion worse. Consuming ample fluids can help clear some of the congestion out of your sinuses and chest and help your body fight the virus causing your cold.

When choosing your beverages, stay away from alcoholic drinks and beverages high in caffeine (like coffee and energy drinks). Both alcoholic drinks and caffeinated beverages can make dehydration worse. 

2. Add Warm Liquid Dishes to Your Meals

You might lose your appetite when you have a cold, but you should try to consume warm liquid dishes when possible. Chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, and tomato soup are just a few options. Another option is to heat up a glass of fruit or vegetable juice. 

Many people find that warm liquids soothe the throat and assist with breaking up congestion. If your appetite is reduced, you may find it easier to sip soup than consume an entire meal. When making your soup, make sure that you chop the vegetables and noodles into small pieces. This will add a little bulk and nutrients to your soup while ensuring that the soup is still relatively easy for you to swallow.

3. Throw a Few Chili Peppers into Your Meal

Add a little spice to your meals with the addition of a few chili peppers. Though the chili peppers won't make your cold go away quicker, they contain a component called capsaicin that can help clear a stuffy head or chest. Even though the effects are temporary, you may be able to alleviate your stuffiness enough to get so much needed rest. 

4. Opt for Food and Beverages with Ginger

A little bit of ginger goes a long way in reducing discomfort related to your cold. Ginger is commonly used to alleviate nausea during pregnancy, but it also helps with eliminating cold-related nausea caused by the production of excess mucus, coughing, and a reduced appetite. You can add fresh ginger to your favorite tea or you can make a soothing cup of ginger tea.

To learn more about cold treatments, consult a resource in your area.
