What To Expect And Why You Should See A McKenzie Physical Therapy Provider For Spinal Pain

Do you experience spinal pain at random times throughout the week? When the pain develops, it may be so bad that you cannot function properly. You might end up calling out of work and staying home while trying to get relief from the unbearable pain. If you have spinal pain and you are not sure what could have caused this pain to suddenly appear and cause such a problem for you, consider the option of visiting with a McKenzie Method physical therapy provider. The McKenzie Method is a method used to help those with spinal pain when individuals are not sure what is causing it to begin with.

What Will Happen During the First Visit to See the Physical Therapy Provider?

During your first visit to the McKenzie physical therapy provider, you will need to answer some health-related questions and undergo a routine exam. During the exam, the provider can check for different areas of the body that may currently be in pain and negatively impacted by what is going on with your spine. For example, you might feel isolated pain in the spine area, or it may spread out even further around your back and tailbone. Assessing the pain during a physical exam allows the provider to figure out which physical therapy methods should work for you to help relieve a lot of the discomfort you feel.

What Happens After the Exam?

After the exam, the provider can offer more information. If the provider has reason to believe that something more problematic is going on, they will let you know. As an example, pain in the spine could potentially be caused by a fracture of some sort that might have occurred when you fell on the ground. If nothing is fractured and there is no reason for the provider to believe that you are suffering from a life-threatening condition, you can begin the McKenzie Method physical therapy sessions. These sessions will involve learning to work on different postures and various movements that are gentle and still effective enough to help relieve some of your pain. You will find out how to better manage the discomfort that you start to feel. If you know which movements to do to get relief as soon as the pain begins, you can put a stop to it a bit sooner.

When you have spinal pain without knowing the cause of it, you are going to feel frustrated because of the discomfort you are feeling. However, the McKenzie Method of physical therapy might help. You would need to meet with a provider, receive a full exam and assessment, and then learn different exercises you can do to get some relief while you are at home.
