5 Reasons To See A Dermatologist

Between working a full-time job and tending to your responsibilities at home, it seems like you don't have much time for anything else. When you're that busy, it is easy to neglect regular visits to the dermatologist. However, some skin issues can't be treated with over-the-counter products and require assistance from a professional.

Here are several good reasons to see a dermatologist.

You Have a Mole That Has Changed Shape or Size

It is common for people to have several moles on their body. Most of these moles are there from birth and are typically nothing to worry about. However, if you have noticed that a mole has gotten significantly bigger or developed irregular borders, it could be a sign of skin cancer. It is important to see your dermatologist soon for a skin checkup.

Your Skin Is Extremely Dry and Itchy 

Having drier skin is normal in the winter months and can usually be alleviated with body cream. However, if your skin is dry and itchy no matter how much lotion you put on, you may have eczema. A dermatologist can assess your skin condition and recommend an effective treatment, such as light therapy or corticosteroid injections.

You Can't Get Rid of Your Acne

Most people get a pimple on their skin from time to time. However, if you have severe acne that is not responding to over-the-counter products, a dermatologist might be able to help. He or she can recommend different treatments that could clear up your acne, such as retinoids, chemical peels, or extractions.

You Have a Sudden Rash

While many rashes are minor and go away by themselves, some may be more serious. If you have developed a sudden rash, you should have it checked out by a dermatologist. It could be a more serious irritation and may require prompt treatment.

You Noticed More Age Spots Wrinkles

As you get older, you might notice more age spots and wrinkles on your face. They are a natural part of aging, but they may make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. A dermatologist can assess the condition of your skin and recommend treatments that will give you a more youthful appearance, like chemical peels, Botox, and laser therapy.

If you have any skin issues that concern you, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist today. They can give you a proper skin evaluation and recommend the appropriate treatment for you.
