Why Should You Use Locum Tenens Stroke Doctors In Your Neurologist Practice?

As a physician overseeing a stroke and neurological practice, staffing is an issue that will come up from time to time. It's smart to investigate the possibility of using locum tenens physicians from time to time. Locum tenens, which stands for "hold a place" in the Latin language, is the term used for those who do contract work and can step in for you or other doctors for short periods of time. Why should you use them in your practice?

Better Management of Emergencies

If you're the only neurologist in your practice or if you only work with a few other stroke doctors, emergencies can mean patients don't get seen. If you become ill and cannot keep your appointments, for instance, you may need to cancel or reschedule them. This can cause patients to go to other practices and lose you much-needed income.

However, when you're able to call in a locum tenens doctor, your appointments can be kept and your practice can continue running even without your presence. Knowing that you've got a locum tenens physician on hand can relieve stress about emergencies that are bound to happen over the years.

Better Service for Patients

Just as your practice suffers when you can't keep appointments, your patients also suffer if they cannot get the care they need. A locum tenens doctor can step in to help prevent issues here.

In addition, the locum tenens stroke doctor you hire might notice something that you did not; they might try a different treatment or order additional tests that can illuminate a patient's health condition. Being able to have a fresh pair of new eyes to look at patient files could result in overall better care for the people who see you.

Better Life/Work Balance for You

As a doctor running a practice for strokes and neurological issues, it can be tough to step away and take a vacation. Your commitment to your patients and your job might prevent you from having a good work/life balance. Being able to call in locum tenens doctors can free up your schedule and allow you to have more personal time.

Better Way to Bring on New Doctors

When it's time to hire new doctors into your practice, it's tough to choose based on short interviews. However, if you've been using locum tenens physicians, you can offer them longer-term employment with confidence in the work that you've seen them do.

With the addition of locum tenens physicians to your practice, your practice will thrive, your patients will thrive, and so will you. Look for locum tenens agencies in the area that can recommend doctors for your neurologist practice. Contact a medical group like Interventional Neuroassociates to learn more.
