What To Expect When You Seek Care At An Urgent Care Facility

Urgent care centers offer fast, convenient medical care for conditions that are serious but that don't really warrant a trip to the emergency room. Heading to urgent care is a good choice if you've cut yourself and think you need stitches, if you sprained an ankle, if you have a bad cold or the flu, or if you hit your head and think you might have a concussion. If you have never sought this form of care before, here's a look at what you can expect.

1. Pay out of pocket or use your insurance.

Most health insurance policies these days do cover urgent care to some degree. And most urgent care facilities accept insurance from a wide range of companies, as this enables more patients to visit. However, if you do not have health insurance, urgent care facilities will also accept cash or credit card payments. Their services tend to be quite affordable compared to what you would pay in the emergency room.

2. Service tends to be quick.

Most urgent care centers have a simple layout. There's a waiting area, and there are typically several exam rooms. When you arrive, you fill out paperwork, and then a few minutes later, a doctor will see you. There's rarely a long wait as there is in the emergency room. If the wait is more than a half-hour, the urgent care center may actually send you to one of their sister locations rather than have you wait around. One of the goals of this model of healthcare is to get patients in and out quickly.

3. You may be seen by a nurse practitioner rather than a physician.

Many urgent care centers are primarily staffed by nurses and nurse practitioners. Nurse practitioners can prescribe medications just as a doctor would, and they can make most diagnoses. If your condition is more serious, you might be seen by a doctor — but don't be surprised if your care is administered by nurses only. This is normal in the urgent care world.

4. You'll be referred to the hospital if needed.

If you are not sure whether your condition warrants a visit to the hospital or not, you can always start with a visit to urgent care. They can do a preliminary evaluation, and if you need more sophisticated care than they can provide, they'll refer you to the hospital. They may even send an ambulance to transport you.

Urgent care is convenient, versatile, and affordable. Now that you know what to expect, you can visit with confidence.

To learn more, contact an urgent care center.
