Preparing For Your Time At A Sleep Center

If you have been having trouble sleeping, your doctor will likely recommend undergoing a sleep study at a local sleep center. This can be a very educational experience. You will probably gain a lot of insight into what's going wrong with your sleep and what you can do about it. But how should you prepare for a night at the sleep center? Take a look.

1. Bring your normal pajamas.

You might be tempted to bring something fancier or more formal to sleep in, but there's a chance this could interfere with your sleep. The employees at the sleep center have seen everything — there's no need to be embarrassed about your normal pajamas. You'll sleep most similarly to the way you sleep at home if you wear the same thing at the sleep center.

2. Bring toiletries and items to prepare for bedtime.

Most sleep centers have the basics, like soap and shampoo, in case you forget something. But it really is best to pack your own items. Bring anything you normally would need to get ready for bed, from hair care supplies to your toothbrush.

3. Remove any nail polish.

If you are wearing any nail polish, take it off in preparation for your sleep study. The study usually involves wearing an oximeter on one of your fingers, and the nail polish can interfere with its reading. Most doctors place this device on your index finger, so if you really don't want to remove all of your nail polish, just remove it from your index fingers; you can leave it on the others.

4. Eat a good meal.

Make sure you eat a good, healthy dinner before heading into the sleep center. You may have more trouble than usual falling asleep if you are hungry. Don't drink any alcohol or consume any caffeine that evening. It's okay to have caffeine the morning before your sleep study if that's part of your normal routine.

5. Complete any paperwork.

Most sleep centers will send you a survey or questionnaire they want you to fill out prior to the study. This form will ask questions about your sleep habits and symptoms. Make sure you fill this out well in advance of your appointment and bring it with you. Waiting until the evening of your appointment to fill it out might create stress that makes it harder to sleep.

Spending an evening at a sleep center should be a helpful, stress-free experience. If you take the time to prepare properly, it will be all the better. Look for a sleep center near you and ask the staff any questions you have. 
