What Can Your Chiropractor Do For Your Headaches?

If you are someone who suffers from headaches, then now may be the time to start looking at treatment options to control the pain. And, in some cases, a chiropractor is the professional to see. The chiropractor will focus on a few different areas of the body to assist you, so keep reading to learn about what they will do.

Upper Neck Adjustments

Tension headaches are the most common headaches that people experience and these are often caused by the misalignment of the vertebrae in the neck. The subluxations place direct pressure on tendons in the region. This can lead to muscle spasming and stress to the blood vessels located at the base of the skull. The result is a headache that throbs throughout the day, which will worsen as the tissues in the area become inflamed. 

To help reduce the pressure on the tendons, muscles, and blood vessels, your chiropractor will complete adjustments along the upper neck region. Manipulations generally involve the swift movement of the neck to force the vertebrae back into their proper position. Once the adjustment is completed, motion palpation is used to twist the neck to see if the vertebrae move smoothly and freely. 

In addition to the treatment, your chiropractor will inform you of ways that you can keep subluxations from occurring in the future. This may mean changing your posture when working or keeping yourself from tensing your jaw at night.

Deep Tissue Massage

There are a variety of trigger points throughout the body that can cause headaches. Basically, when these points are placed under stress, tension spreads to the blood vessels and nerves and this can cause a headache. The stress occurs due to tight and spasming muscles and your chiropractor can work to reduce the tension.

Typically, the trigger points that cause the most significant issues are located along the base of the spine. So, your chiropractor will use deep tissue massage along the spinal column to loosen up the tissues. They can do this with their hands or they may choose to use a handheld manual massager. These tools allow your chiropractor to place direct pressure on a smaller area of the body. This is helpful if smaller muscles, tendons, or ligaments have been identified as problem areas.

Sometimes, massage is completed with electrical stimulation. This stimulation uses your own muscles to reduce tension by causing them to contract and release. 

If you want to know more about headaches and how certain adjustments and treatments can help to relieve pain, contact a chiropractor.  
