Examples Of Operations That Reconstructive Surgeons Routinely Perform

Many people assume that cosmetic surgeons perform operations like facelifts and breast augmentations. In fact, while they do perform surgeries like those, they also perform a variety of surgeries designed to reconstruct and improve the function of many different areas of the body.

Before you seek out treatment from one of your local reconstructive surgeons, it can help to learn what kinds of operations are available to you. These procedures are some that many cosmetic surgeons can perform on patients today.

Cleft Lip and Palate Repair

Reconstructive surgeons frequently operate on children and babies who are born with cleft lips and palates. This condition can prevent children from eating and speaking normally. It also causes facial deformities that can make everyday life challenging.

However, this condition is highly treatable and can be addressed immediately after birth. It may require cosmetic surgeons to perform numerous operations before a child's cleft lip or palate is permanently treated, however.

Scar Revision

People who have scars from injuries or prior surgeries often do not want to live with these visible reminders of trauma. They often want to have their scars removed.

Cosmetic surgeons frequently perform scar revision surgery. This surgery removes most or all of the large scars that compromise a person's appearance. People are left with skin that looks and feels normal.

Birthmark Removal

People who are born with large birthmarks or birthmarks in places like their faces often want to have them removed. When you have a large birthmark that mars your appearance, you can have it removed through cosmetic surgery.

Reconstructive surgeons often use laser therapy to remove birthmarks like port wine stains. In some cases, however, they may need to perform a skin graft to cover or remove a birthmark. Patients are left with skin that has little to no visible trace of their birthmarks.

Skin Cancer Removal

Finally, cosmetic surgeons can remove skin cancers before they become malignant. Skin cancer is highly treatable and has a favorable success rate of healing. However, it may require that you undergo surgery to remove the cancerous growth from your skin.

These operations are a few that many reconstructive surgeons perform on a daily basis. They reconstruct people's body parts so they will look and function better. They also remove growths that can become cancerous. They likewise remove birthmarks like port wine stains that compromise people's appearances.

To learn more, visit a website like http://www.jgattimd.com.
