What Eye Conditions Can Be Corrected By Laser Eye Surgery?

Having vision problems can make even performing simple tasks more difficult. We depend on our vision to help us with running a household, holding down a job, and enjoying a social life as well. However, there are various conditions that can affect the eyes so that it is impossible to do these things well without needing to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. Fortunately, laser eye surgery can treat some of these vision problems. These are some of the eye conditions that can be corrected by laser eye surgery.


Myopia is an eye condition that is also known as nearsightedness. When a person is nearsighted, the eyes are longer than they should be and the cornea curves too much. When this happens, light rays focus in front of the retina which makes vision up close sharp and clear and vision at a distance blurry. Laser surgery is performed to flatten the cornea and reshape it so that proper vision can be regained.


Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, is the opposite of myopia. In this condition, the eyes are shorter than normal and the cornea is too flat. This makes close vision blurry and vision at far distances sharper because light rays focus behind the retina. When laser eye surgery is performed, the cornea is reshaped to make it have a steeper curve so the patient has improved vision.


Astigmatism is a condition in which both up close and distance vision is blurry. This is due to an abnormal cornea which may be too flat in some areas and too curved in others. This prevents light rays from focusing on the retina at all and makes overall vision difficult. Laser eye surgery can often be done to shape the cornea properly so that the vision becomes clear.

Some people also have vision problems simply due to the aging process. They may have had perfect vision in their younger years, but now have trouble focusing up close, viewing smaller objects, or reading fine print. This condition is known as presbyopia. In some cases, laser eye surgery can be done to improve distance vision for those who have presbyopia, but there is a risk that the surgery could make close vision become worse. For this reason, it is often recommended that older people wear reading glasses to improve their vision for reading or viewing things up close if their distance vision is still somewhat normal.
