Be Prepared For Outpatient Surgery

Make no mistake: any surgical operation is a serious medical procedure. However, the level of severity is not necessarily the same across the board. Toward the lesser involved side of the spectrum are outpatient, or same-day, procedures. Outpatient procedures tend to be shorter, come along with a shorter recovery window, and are often less invasive. However, they still require preparation on the part of the patient. 

Here are some ways you can prepare for an outpatient surgical procedure.

Collect Health Data

Make sure the surgical team is well informed on your health. Most of the pertinent information will be in the records they receive and review. However, there may be some details not included. For example, if a person had a minor allergic reaction after taking medication or they sometimes lose their breath while in a deep sleep, this information could prove to be valuable info during the procedure, so it should be shared. 

Learn About the Anesthesia Procedure

Get all the facts about the anesthesia procedure and the steps you need to take to prepare. You might think that the intensity of the anesthesia will be milder, given the short duration of the procedure, but it is still a serious matter. Pay attention to the instructions, such as not eating or drinking for a period before the procedure and provide your complete medication history.

Ask About the Emergency Protocol

Outpatient procedures are performed in hospital settings as well as in stand-alone general surgery clinics. If your procedure will be at the latter, ease your fears by asking about their emergency protocols. For instance, what steps and options do they in-house in the event of an emergency or whether or not there is a specific hospital they partner with that patients are sent to in emergencies? All these details keep you informed.

Plan Early for Recovery

Do not wait until the day of your surgery to think about recovery. With outpatient surgery, there will still likely be a period for which you need to modify your lifestyle, such as minimizing walking, changing your diet, or working from home. The surgical team will provide this information to you early. Ensure you read through the instructions and take steps early to put everything you need in place so that you can focus on proper recovery.

It is always best to speak to and coordinate with the general surgery team who will be assisting you. This team will have all the information you need to ensure you are on the right track. For more information about general surgical care, talk to your doctor.
