Understanding Holistic Cancer Treatment Options

Cancer treatment options may sound invasive to someone who is new to the diagnosis. In many cases, a cancer patient may be looking for natural or holistic treatments to help. The idea of using these types of treatment options seems odd for many people. This feeling is due to a lack of understanding regarding the types of treatments and how they can help. If you are new to these types of treatments, or if you do not know which ones are available, here are some things to consider. 

Acupuncture Therapy

A leading holistic cancer treatment option you may find in your research is acupuncture therapy. Acupuncture is the use of small needles used in specific locations of the body. The placement of the needles depends on the type of therapy you want. The idea is to release everything from tension in the area to toxins that may have built up in the area. The treatment can also be used as a way to trigger certain organs to begin working better or to be cleansed of the toxins preventing them from working at optimal potential. 

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help with several problems that result from normal cancer treatment. Though it cannot cure the cancer, it can help relieve tension and muscle aches that come with various other treatments and therapies. The massage therapy can target areas of the body that have poor circulation due to the treatments you are undergoing for your cancer as well. Massage can help with blood flow, circulation, aches, and joint issues. This allows the areas to feel less constricted and can reduce sleeping issues as well as muscle fatigue during your normal treatments. 

Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is something you may not initially think of as a holistic cancer treatment. Much like acupuncture, the use of yoga therapy can help with the side effects caused by cancer treatments. For example, many people experience severe nausea or even bowel distress following chemotherapy. Yoga can help with bowel and digestive health, which, in turn, helps reduce nausea and bloating. It can also help reduce constipation-related symptoms caused by the medications you are taking. 

The ideal holistic cancer treatment options are the ones approved by your doctor or integrative physician. Depending on the type of cancer you have and the stage of that cancer, certain therapies and treatments may be more beneficial than others. If you are concerned about you or a loved one with cancer and the possible treatments available to them, consider a consult with a professional about holistic cancer treatments
